
Citizens Priorities | Nobel Laureate Mohan Munasinghe and CNN's Zain Asher FIIPriority

30 Mar 2023

The discussion highlighted the growing disconnect between government priorities and citizen demands, leading to social unrest. It also emphasized the resurgence of the global south, particularly the BRICS economies, and their increasing influence on global policy-making. The importance of integrating climate action into sustainable development strategies to address poverty, hunger, and inequality was underscored. Additionally, the desire of the global south to reshape the existing world order, seeking a more balanced and multipolar global landscape, was a key point. The concept of climate justice, the environmental debt owed by Western countries, and the need for a more equitable distribution of resources were also central to the discussion. Finally, the global south's focus on economic development, peace, and cultural exchange, and their desire for a more balanced world order were highlighted.
Moderator: Zain Asher
Speakers: Professor Mohan Munasinghe

FII Priority Miami 2023 - Miami - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Global South Resurgence - Sustainable Development - Climate Action - Economic Development - Cultural Exchange


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