
What to Expect with industry 5.0: Large-scale Technological Breakthroughs

22 Feb 2024

This panel discussion highlighted the current industrial revolution driven by technological advancements like AI, green molecules, urban air mobility, and quantum computing. Industry leaders from Honeywell, Northvolt, HSBC, and others shared insights on AI's role in addressing skill shortages, the evolution of new technologies, and industrial innovation required to meet environmental challenges. They emphasized the necessity for co-creation and effective economic models to incorporate these technologies, discussing the regulatory and economic landscapes. The debate also included the geopolitical implications affecting innovation and emphasized a collaborative approach to streamline global regulations, especially concerning data privacy and cybersecurity. Additionally, the critical importance of sustainable supply chains and capital investment in scientific research for transitioning to a greener economy was underlined.
Moderator: Gerard Baker
Speakers: Gerard Barron,Gene Berdichevsky,Vimal Kapur,Gerry Keefe

FII Priority Miami 2024 - Miami - INDUSTRY - SUSTAINABILITY - AI and Industry - Green Economy - Urban Air Mobility - Quantum Computing - Collaborative Regulation


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